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6 advice to make your life easier

1. 'Accept that everybody makes mistakes. It's part of learning, and the main way we grow. Learn from them and let them go.


2. Accept your body as it gives you in life. Choose to love it and take care of it. Also, every single body is different and unique. So, choose to find and focus on those features you can love. 

-every inch of you is perfect. from the bottom to the top! 


3. Accept that you can't change what happened in the past. That was then and this is now. So look to the future and let the past behind. 


4. Accept that others can think what they like - and sometimes their opinions will be hurtful and wrong. But they don't know your story - and their judgements may be false - so ignore what they're saying and get on with your own life. 


5. Accept that your life is your responsibility. Your thoughts, opinions, and what you say and do. And be aware of the consequences of those. 


6. Accept where you're at in your journey now. Be patient and understanding, but also kind to yourself. There's a place for you. Maybe you just haven't found it yet. '

andrea ferencz
sushi mania

30.11. - Today we went out with my sister to eat some sushi, because I was craving sushi for almost 3 weeks. And tadaaaa. Today we made it, finally. It was such a good day. The sushi was also good, but to be hones I still can't eat with those sushi sticks (is it the correct word for it? haha I don't think so..)





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