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Do you want to know me?

photo by Szilard Orban

Sunday mornings should be always lazy, right? With a cup of hot coffee and chill music in the background... 

I was thinking about what should I write on a cosy Sunday to you. Sooo I decided to write a post about 50 things you (probably) didn't know about me. Let's start kidddo. 

1. I have arachnophobia.

Like for real, these little monsters scare the hell out of me. I could run out of the world if I see a spider who's coming to catch me. (not fun at all)


2. I'm afraid of someone touching my toes. 

I can't really explain why, but when I was kid I always had problems with my big toe on my right feet and my father wanted to fix it... but, after that none touched my toe. :D 


3. I love long car trips. 

When I was a kid, we always went tripping by car, and I still miss that. It's way more interesting than travelling by plane. 


4. At the age of 19 I moved to Denmark. 

Me and my sister moved to Denmark to study. 


5. In this year (2017) I lived in 3 countries. 

I was living in Denmark, after I went home for 1 month for holiday and then moved to London for 2 months, because of my internship. 


6. I have a twin sister. 

Her name is Dora, she is the best and we are not similar, at all. 


7. At the age of 11, I decided that I would like to be a fashion designer. 

Well.. Careful what you fish for. Haha. 


8. I believe that everything happens for a reason. 


9. I had almost perfect skin, until I started at Uni. 

Yepp, I'm still wondering how?! 


10. I would like to go boxing more often. 

I went boxing with my father and my sister - to be honest I was once for now - but I would like to continue. 


11. I was doing karate for 8 years. 

My father brought my sister and my for our first karate class at the age of 4. 


12. I have the best parents on the whole planet. 

You shouldn't complain. I mean, really, you'll lose. 


13. Usually I just use mascara and eye-liner. 

I'm not that full-of-make-up girl, I prefer natural look more. 


14. My sister and me started insanity training back at the beginning of 2017, and we're still doing it. 


15. I would like to have 2 kids.


16. For honey moon I would like to go to Bora Bora. 


17. I can't lie.  


18. Sometimes when I'm tired I just laugh. 


19. I'm more optimistic, than before. 


20. I would like to make people happy and more positive. 


21. I can't really show my feelings for people. I just hide them. 


22. I'm an uncertain person. (Or not?) 


23. I trust hard. 


24. My biggest fear is locking myself into a really small place. 


25. I hate horror movies, I never watch them. 



26. My father is a rally driver. 

I love when he's driving, I always wanted to become his navigator. (or the driver,haha)


27. I like to meet new people. But at first it is hard to be open. 


28. My first tattoo is common with my sister and we did it at the age of 18. 


29. I still have new ideas for tattoos. 


30. I first started blogging in 2013. 


31. There are days when I don't want to talk to anybody. I just want to be alone and making my own things. 


32. I would like to have my own brand. 


33. We are better sisters now. 

Moving to another country makes us better sisters and I can say that now we're best friends. 


34. I can't be mad at people. 


35. My first travelling experience by plane was when we went home for the first time from Denmark. Last December. (2016)


36. I bind easily. If I like someone, I like... 


37. I really care for people I love. 


38. The first thing when I wake up is to drink a glass of water. 


39. My dream car is a BMW M2. (I would like to design my own, for suuure.)


40. I made a promise for my dad that I'll buy him his dream car. 


41. I'm love oriented. 


42. I hate when somebody drinks from my bottle. Even when it is my sister. 


43. There was a point in my life when I wanted to be a model, but I had to admit to myself that I'm too short for that. 


44. I'm 160 cm. (we're short family:D)


45. 'Style or layer.' - This became my slogan, when we went to party with my classmates, we still use it. 


46. My nails are always red. 

I mean really. I just like this colour thisss much. 


47. I would like to try living in Australia for a while. (But I'm afraid of spiders.)


48. Music motivates me. 

When I'm doing something I have to listen to some music, it really helps me and gives some inspirations too. 


49. I could be really enthusiastic. 

Just things take more time than I expect it at first...


aaaand the last, but not least

50. I would like to learn how to drive professionally.



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andrea ferencz

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